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Risk Management


Material Themes

Since 2017, we have adopted a materiality analysis process, which for us, is an “Integrated thinking tool” used at least every quarter, to discover priority material themes and to assess the priority focus areas to guide our sustainability actions and reporting.

In this section, we have set out the key themes having the most significant impact on our value creation, commercial viability, our social relevance and our relationship with our key stakeholders in the short, medium and long term.


Risk Management

For Anglo African, risk management remains the balancing out between realising opportunities for gain while minimising adverse impacts, and this in an appropriate manner, more relevant than ever in our pandemic situation, in which we aim to create new norms. The name of the game remains resilience and sustainability, and risk management for us is a set of holistic activities, analysing impacts on strategy and as well as on our Capitals.
Our risk management process are embedded in our everyday business activities and culture. This activity is carried out at multiple layers, and assigned to risk owners, having the capacity to deal with those risks.

Heat Map Classification

As part of our risk assessment process, risks are assessed over the short, medium and long term, at least every quarter, during our materiality analysis process. The heatmaps below provide an overview of the assessment of the strategic risks considered from an inherent risk perspective.


Risk Register