Anglo African Investments Ltd Integrated Report 2021 does not support mobile, kindly visit the website on tablet or desktop

Setting the Scene

About this Report

This is the fifth Integrated Report of Anglo African Investments Ltd (hereafter referred to as ‘Anglo African’ or ‘the Group’). We continue to benchmark ourselves against best global practices in the corporate reporting space, and were guided by the principles and requirements in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS); the International <IR> Framework; the King IV Report on Corporate Governance; and non-financial reporting such as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations; as well as the Companies Act 2001, as amended (Companies Act).

Beyond Sustainability and Integrated Thinking

The world is already facing unprecedented challenges; worsened by COVID-19, further deepening inequalities among populations. While we cannot solve all the ills of the world, we believe we have uniquely accelerated Integrated Thinking and embedded UN SDGs into our subsidiaries to go beyond Sustainability – by leveraging our Technological & Digital Capitals to balance social, environmental and economic objectives.

Global Disruption

Never let a crisis go to waste, said Sir Winston Churchill. While the world recovers amidst the global sanitary crisis leading to an economic crisis, which will be even more disastrous as Supply chains, Economic activity, Employment will face severe challenges to get kickstarted.