Currently the Board of Directors is made up of 6 Independent Directors, 1 Non-Executive and 1 Executive Director. The Independent and Non-Executive Directors bring a wide range of experience and skills to the Board. The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer, involved in the day-to-day management and is in the fulltime salaried employment of the Group. The Board is responsible for providing effective corporate governance. It determines the Group’s purpose, strategy and values and ensures that the Group and its controlled entities are properly managed. It monitors and evaluates the implementation of strategies, policies, management performance criteria and business plans.
The role and function of the Chairperson, who is an independent director, and of the Chief Executive Officer, are separate. The Chairman presides over meetings of directors and ensures the smooth functioning of the Board. The management of the Group is carried out by the Chief Executive Officer who also develops and recommends to the Board the long-term vision and strategy for the Group, as well as formulates annual business plans and budgets to support the long-term strategy approved by the Board.
As Anglo African diversified into the emerging technologies such as Robotic Process Automation, Machine Learning, Blockchain Industrial Internet of Things, Big Data Analytics and others in various sectors such as FinTech, PropTech, RiskTech and MedTech - most of them regulated industries causing disruptions worldwide, it was critical to ensure that the leadership team was accompanied by a truly diverse and international board of directors that have experience and expertise across major “technopoles” of the Europe, Middle East and African region. After an extensive search and selection process we are very pleased welcome these successful executives and academics who have honoured us by accepting a board position in our company.