Our Companies

“With such new challenges, the Infosystems team has been able to adapt to the new market requirements, constantly innovating and investing in new technologies, as well as upskilling our staffs. We have been successful in capturing additional market share by focusing on solutions beyond Infrastructure Hardware and Software towards accelerating our customers' migration to the Cloud."
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"It has been a challenging year, whereby we have had to maintain our unconditional support on our Live Platforms in Mauritius, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Congo DRC, Guinea Konakry and Liberia, while also ensuring that we continue enhancing our Product Roadmap through Innovations. With the wider adoption of Digital Platforms and upcoming changes in the Regulatory landscape, we invested into our Intellectual & Digital Capital and Technology Capital to remain ahead of the curve."
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"At Digiconsult, we see the post covid environment as an opportunity to speed up the transition towards digitalisation turning repetitive manual processes into digital cloud-based automated workflows providing greater collaboration among consultants, contractors, developers and operators. We continue to invest in new digital tools to improve our productivity and enhance our service quality, by becoming the first digital MEPT Consulting firm in the region".
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"Our team has developed the first Made in Mauritius commercially Live platform geared for automating Energy and Water Life Cycle Management. By leveraging on novel techniques like Machine Learning and IIOT (Industrial Internet Of Things), we have been able to automate the data collection and mining. The platform is offered as a managed service, including data collection, data mining, abnormal consumption alerts, billing, LEEDS-ready dashboards and more. Our clients have the peace of mind, optimal energy/water consumption, automated billing and Green report compliant with international framework."
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